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Think You’ve Met the Terms of Your PMI Agreement?

Turn to us for a PMI appraisal in Edmonds, WA

Want to remove your PMI insurance (Private Mortgage Insurance) from your mortgage? Witherell & Associates, Inc. has you covered. We provide PMI appraisals in Edmonds, Lynnwood, WA and the Greater Seattle/Puget Sound areas. If you believe that you qualify for PMI removal, get in touch with us now to arrange for a PMI appraisal.

Private Mortgage Insurance IS insurance, just not for you. It is paid by you, but the beneficiary is the lender. PMI insurance usually remains in effect until your loan balance drops below 80% of your home’s original purchase price, but that’s not the only way you may be able to drop PMI. You should contact us for a PMI appraisal if:

When should you schedule a PMI appraisal?

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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Your home’s value has dramatically increased

Your loan is in good standing

You’ve renovated or remodeled your home

Reach out to us today to schedule a PMI appraisal, and start saving money every month.

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